Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Scientists Have No Idea How Life Began

Based on what you hear from some supporters of molecules-to-man evolution (including abiogenesis, which refers to chemical evolution before the first living cell), you would think scientists have a pretty good idea of how, beginning with chemicals found on the early earth, the first life could have formed by purely natural processes (without God!). Sure, they admit that there is still more to learn and some missing pieces, but it sounds like they at least have a pretty decent guess of how it all got started. They don’t. They have no idea.

Don’t take it from me. Instead, if you’re interested in this topic, listen to this one hour talk by one of the top synthetic organic chemists in the world, James Tour. If you expect that this will be boring, you’re wrong! I’ve studied this topic a lot over the last twenty years, and this talk is among the best.

I said that scientists have no idea how life began. However, a small but growing group of scientists realize that the very existence of life points to a great intelligent Designer and Creator. I thank God for the work of these scientists in the Intelligent Design movement.

If you liked this, you might want to read these other posts about evidence for God from science and how nature shows us things about God.

Posts which mostly focus on the scientific evidence for a great Creator:

How the Sun Glorifies the Sun

Nuclear Submarines and Living Cells (I worked as a nuclear engineer on nuclear submarines, and in this post I compare living cells to nuclear submarines)

Excited both as a Science Geek and a God Worshiper (discusses how the smallest cells possible give BIG evidence for God, based on some scientific work which is mentioned by James Tour in the video above)

Devotional blog posts where examples in nature illustrate spiritual truths or which discuss how knowing that God created everything makes a practical difference in our lives:

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others . . .

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