Monday, March 23, 2020

7 Ways the Lord may Use the Coronavirus Pandemic for Good

God will use the coronavirus pandemic for good. I know this is true because that is how God always works. He is always working in all things for the good of His people:

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 CSB17)

Because the coronavirus is a great evil that is affecting multitudes of people, I expect that God will use it for great good and very likely He will use it for good in different ways for different people, families, churches, communities, and nations.

Two Examples of God using Great Evil for Great Good

I was living in Indonesia with my wife and daughter when one of the worst natural disasters in modern history hit that nation which I love so much. On December 26, 2004 an earthquake followed by a huge and terrible tsunami killed an estimated 167,000 in Indonesia. We lived on the island of Sulawesi, which is far away from where the tsunami hit. But as a result of living there we were aware of an effect from the tsunami which was not discussed in the news. The day before the tsunami, the Indonesian province of Aceh was widely known to be the area of Indonesia (which is the largest Muslim nation in the world) that was the most closed to the gospel. In fact, people who were concerned about such things (and all Christians should be) considered Aceh to be among the most closed areas of the world to gospel witness. The day after the tsunami, Aceh was among the most open as aide and help began to pour in from around the world and much of that aide and help came from people motivated by the love of Christ.

There is a far greater example of God using terrible evil for great good. The most evil event in the history of mankind was the execution of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Humanity killed our only hope and our Savior. Yet this was all part of God’s plan (Acts 2:23). God used this terrible evil as the means to save us from our sins and rescue us from death and reveal His great love and bring great glory to Himself.

These two examples represent a broad and deep principle. God is using everything that happens to achieve His good and glorious goal. Paul explained this with these words:

CSB Ephesians 1:9 He made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he purposed in Christ
 10 as a plan for the right time-- to bring everything together in Christ, both things in heaven and things on earth in him.
 11 In him we have also received an inheritance, because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will,
 12 so that we who had already put our hope in Christ might bring praise to his glory.

We can be sure that God will use this pandemic “in agreement with the purpose of his will.” But how? While we don’t know all the ways God might use this pandemic for good, we can think of some of the ways He might use it. These are all good things, and it is right for us to pray for these things.

Possible ways God may use the pandemic for good

1. During times of disaster and uncertainty, many people become more aware of their mortality and great need of God’s help and turn to him. I pray that many people will be saved as a result of this virus and that for every person killed by this terrible virus, many more will gain the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

2. All human suffering is ultimately a result of human sin. This does not mean that each case of an individual suffering is because that individual sinned, but if no one had ever sinned, then no one would be suffering. Widespread suffering has a way of reminding people of this truth and can motivate people to turn from their sins. I pray that many people will repent of their sins and find greater freedom from sin in Christ and new spiritual power and energy.

3. Worshiping at a local church is valuable and important (see many Bible verses supporting this truth here). But there is also great value in worshiping, learning, sharing, praying, and serving in small groups and at home. Because large church gatherings are largely being temporarily suspended, many people may learn the value and beauty of worshiping at home with their families or with a small group of friends. I pray that people will not skip worship and will not only worship or listen to a sermon in isolation, but will worship and pray and share with their family and/or a very small group of friends and that this will bear much good fruit. I also pray that as the pandemic ends people will return to church in larger numbers, but will continue to find times to worship and learn in small groups as well.

4. A widespread crisis like this pandemic creates many opportunities to selflessly serve others in ways that may involve risk but bring glory to God. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us to serve others in many good ways that people “may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16 CSB17).

5. Children are having to stay home and many college students have returned to their homes. Some parents are temporarily out of work. I pray that God will use this time to strengthen, heal, and bless families in many ways. May He “turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers” (Mal. 4:6 CSB17).

6. Many of us have been fervently praying for a widespread revival for years now. I’m talking about something like another great awakening. I know we desperately need this in the US, and I have no doubt that it is needed in many other nations (well, every other nation!) as well. What I mean by a revival is a powerful, widespread work of the Holy Spirit that results in a sudden growth of the Church in many ways – in numbers, in holiness, in ministries, in prayer, and in love. If this pandemic is used by God to help bring such a renewal, then it will have been a very small price to pay for a very big blessing. I pray that by His mercy, God would do this.

7. The whole world is being affected by this pandemic and the whole world, every nation, is the object of God’s love and part of God’s Great Commission. I don’t know specifically how, but I feel that God will use this pandemic to advance the gospel and bring us closer to the completion of the Great Commission and the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I notice that the pandemic started in China and that one of the hardest hit nations is Iran. These are both nations where there is great opposition to the gospel and widespread persecution of Christians by the government. These are also nations where, against all odds from a human perspective, the gospel has spread to many people even amidst great suffering. I pray that God will use this pandemic for the advance of the gospel, and to help His people and achieve His Kingdom purposes in China and Iran and other nations. I pray that He will help His people in both North Korea and South Korea, and that by His mercy those nations may one day soon be reunited even as Germany was when the Berlin Wall fell. May God work in many ways, some visible, and others invisible, to use this pandemic, which in itself is a great evil, for His good and wonderful purposes.

I urge you to pray not only that you and those you love will be kept safe from the coronavirus (of course, we should pray for that), but also that God will use this pandemic for great good in many ways both near to home and around the world. May He use it for good in your life and heart and family and church. To God be the glory. Amen.

When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain,
 or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,
if my people, who are called by my name,
 will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
 then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
(2 Chr. 7:13-14 NIV)

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others . . .

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