Thursday, December 19, 2019

Frozen 2: Biblical Lessons and Christian Thoughts

Yesterday I watched Frozen 2 with my wife and 21-year old daughter (yes, she still likes Frozen, but then again Hope and I are in our mid-50s and we still like it!). While to me Frozen 2 didn’t have quite as powerful a story as Frozen, we enjoyed the movie and I suspect that most people who liked Frozen while like Frozen 2.

In this blog post I want to share a few positive lessons and a couple of concerns about the Frozen 2 from a biblical, Christian point of view. In order to write about these, I will have to include some spoilers, but I will try not to share more than necessary. I don’t think reading an article like this one would have spoiled the movie for me, but if you haven’t seen it yet and you don’t want any plot content revealed ahead of time you should stop reading now and come back after you’ve seen the film. For the rest of you . . .

Three Big Positive Lessons from Frozen 2:

Positive Lesson #1: God often calls us to new ministries and places which are difficult, challenging, and scary

Elsa’s life in Arendelle is wonderful. She’s surrounded by people she loves and lives in a beautiful, happy setting. She’s a good queen and is doing well where she is. But she has been hearing a mystical calling to leave her comfort zone and explore a new, dangerous place where she, and the special gifts she has been given, are needed. Leaving her comfort zone to go to a scary and dangerous new place is not an easy decision for Elsa, and the movie shows her struggle with this. In fact, one of the movie’s songs is based on this theme. If you haven’t heard it yet, here it is:

In the movie, the voice calling to Elsa is mystical and spiritual but not identified (more about this below). If we supply some biblical truth and substitute the guidance of the Holy Spirit for undefined mystical guidance, then Elsa’s experience and struggle is one many Christians will be able to relate to at some point in their life.

Like Elsa, we all have special gifts. The Holy Spirit gives us each spiritual gifts according to God’s wisdom. These gifts are not meant to be used merely for our own personal enjoyment. They are meant to be used to serve others and build up the Body of Christ, His Church.

Also, like Elsa, we often find ourselves living in a relatively safe-feeling comfort zone. And like Elsa, we may find a quiet voice in our heart and mind calling and nudging us to leave our comfort zone to go to some new location, or get involved in some new ministry. And this sometimes involves facing many unknowns and dangers. It may very well lead us into facing opposition and experiencing suffering for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Like Elsa, many struggle with the call to leave our comfort zones, even when we sense that God wants to use us, and the gifts He has given us, to do bigger things and help more people as part of His big plan. Like Elsa, that quiet voice isn’t going to go away or leave us alone. God loves us far too much to leave us in our cozy comfort zones. He wants to bear eternal fruit through us that will bring Him glory and us joy. Even if it means for a little while we have to face dark, scary places and unknown dangers. God knows it will be worth it.

Once we’ve decided to follow the Spirit’s call to a new location or ministry it is often not easy to get there. Let Elsa, we face terrible waves of opposition that threaten to drown us even near the beginning of our new journey. It is tempting to give up at this point and conclude that the calling was just a crazy and unrealistic idea. But if, with God’s help, we press on and persevere, God will make a way for us to get through the waves and reach the destination He has planned for us.

That destination may include some scary things. There may be painful surprises that we did not expect when we answered the call. But again (Christianizing this story), it will all be worth it if we stay true to God’s calling.

Positive Lesson #2: When we are in a deep, dark place and so much has been lost, we should keep doing the next right thing.

Princess Anna provides us with another important life lesson. Anna comes to a point in the story where she is alone in a deep, dark place and it appears that she has lost everything and everyone she loves. Her whole world has been demolished by circumstances and events beyond her control. What can she do in a place like that? She can find courage to do the next right thing. She can find strength to take one more step. To face one more scary challenge. This lesson is very clear and explicit in the film. It is an important lesson that should resonate with all of us who live in this dark age full of evil and disappointment.

Long before Frozen was produced, we were going through some really, difficult times while serving the Lord in a foreign nation among a Muslim unreached people group. A good friend wrote us at one of our lowest points with this improved version of Anna’s lesson: she told us that when we get in a really hard place, sometimes all we can do, and all we need to do, is to “Trust God and do the next thing.” Without God, the whole thing doesn’t work. But with God in the picture, doing the next right thing when we’re in a dark, painful place is really good advice.

Positive Lesson #3: A Happy Ending

Frozen 2 is a Disney movie made for kids. Of course, it has a happy ending! I like happy endings. The best fairy tales end with “And they lived happily ever after.” This fairy tale ending reflects the great, glorious truth that the same God who created the world we live in and Who demonstrated His love by sending His Son to die for our sins has promised us that if we trust in Him we will live happily ever after.

This reminds me of a dream that a dear Christian friend shared with me. In his dream he was in a room in Heaven filled with people. All of a sudden, they all happily shouted, “It sure was worth it, following Jesus!” Following Jesus in this current world will sometimes involve leaving your comfort zone. Sometimes following Jesus will take you to dark, scary places. You may face painful losses and deep disappointments along the way. But if you stay true to His calling, in the end it will be worth it. You will really, truly, literally live happily ever after!

Two Concerns about the Frozen 2’s Worldview

Frozen 2 is not a Christian movie and so it is not surprising that despite having some good lessons (which are far more meaningful when interpreted in the light of biblical truth!) the movie also has some significant world view problems. In Frozen 2 there are elemental spirits that can be interacted with and tamed and can cause either good or harm. This is a pagan world view and reflects animistic and new age thinking. While most people who watch the movie aren’t likely to be influenced to join a pagan cult or dive into new age beliefs, we should not dismiss the dangers of such a world view lightly. A movie like this could have a subtle influence on unguarded minds and lead them into spiritually dangerous beliefs and practices. The best way to avoid this is for you and your children to be immersed in biblical truth and grounded in Christian faith.

More important than what the movie has is what it does not have. Elsa and Anna do not know the one true God who is our Creator, Lord, and Savior. Without Him, none of the positive lessons will ultimately work or produce good fruit.


So, enjoy the movie. Be on guard, and help your children be on guard, against the world view problems in the film. If you combine the positive lessons in the film with Christian truth, then you and your kids will get some powerful, helpful, and relevant life lessons from Frozen 2. Enjoy going into the unknown with Elsa and Anna, but make sure you take biblical truth and your Christian faith with you.

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others . . .

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